Slipware has been one of the most popular types of pottery in Britain for over four centuries. Find inspiration for your own work in examples of old and new slipware.
Old English Slipware
By the seventeenth century, potters used coloured slips to add simple but lively decoration to their pots.

Contemporary Slipware
UK potters still use slip to decorate their pots. Some use traditional designs and colours while others have a more contemporary style.

Corner Pottery Slipware
Last week you made terracotta plates and this week we’ll decorate them with a technique called slip trailing. The slip is in squeeze bottles and it’s a little like decorating a cake with an icing piping bag and nozzles. We’ll practice and work out your design in class. So, you don’t have any homework. However, If you’re really inspired, make a simple sketch. Have a look at these examples to get a feel for what you like.