Autumn Registration is Open

My autumn course schedule is now open. I hope you can come.

Figurative Forms
I’ve been in the US since June where I saw more corn than pottery in Nebraska. However, I did have time to make a small sculpture of a child wearing cowboy boots. It was a birthday gift for my brother. Making it was fun, absorbing and challenging – all desirable things when working with clay.

I’d like to do it again! So, one of the projects in the September course will be figurative forms. They’re  constructed with a variety of building techniques that you’ll first learn by making a few other projects.  Here are examples of what you could make. 

Taster Course

This term I am also offering a short taster course. If you’d just like to try out working with clay or can’t commit to a full course, this is for you! We’ll be making my ever-popular mugs. Made over two session, they are slab-built and decorated with stamps and glazes. It is a challenging project and great way to get to know clay.

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